‘Killed my self-esteem’: Kim Kardashian on being body-shamed during pregnancy

Kim Kardashian actually opened up about being body-shamed when she was pregnant with her first child, young lady North West.

The 40-year-old mother said it “killed” her certainty. “I can barely envision how this was commendable and that this was okay,” she said while chatting on Kristen Bell and Monica Padman’s advanced transmission We Are Supported By.

ALSO READ: Kanye West and Kim Kardashian plunged into chaos after staff take legal action against them – Influencer Magazine | UK Edition

Talking about her pregnancy adventure the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star shared that she “despised” how she felt and looked. “I was not a good pregnant person. I was not a delightful pregnant person. I could have done without it. I loathed it. I loathed how I felt. I scorn what I resembled,” she was refered to as saying by People.

Kim uncovered she was “manhandled” by the media when she was pregnant. She further added, “It was ludicrously crazy… I would sit at home and cry continually.”

The mother uncovered she encountered blood poisoning during her pregnancy. “I didn’t understand that I had it. It’s over-extending in your feet and face. I expected to pass on a month and a half exactly on schedule with an emergency movement and a while later I had another condition called Placenta accrete with both of my youngsters. It was insane.”

Kim shared that she continues to be conflicted about how much of herself to share with the public. “There is definitely a side of me that’s like, ‘Be who you want to be and post what you want to post. Then there’s the other side of me that’s like, ‘Oh, I’m a mom, I’m 40, I gotta chill’,” she added.

ALSO READ: Kanye West and Kim Kardashian plunged into chaos after staff take legal action against them – Influencer Magazine | UK Edition


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