Weight Loss ?

Put these 6 habits to reduce obesity, waist size will be reduced quickly

1] Drink Hot Water

If your metabolism slows down at night, it is very important to kick-start it correctly when you wake up in the morning. So drink one or two glasses of hot water. Ayurveda recommends adding lemon juice and honey to this water. You will feel light and refreshed after drinking two glasses of water in the morning.

2] Exercise

Stretch, go for a walk, do some yoga or light exercise for at least 20 minutes in the morning. If you cannot do all this, then you must do some kind of high intensity exercise by knowing the gym. This will not only boost your metabolism in the morning, but it will also help to start your day by increasing endorphins.

3] It is important to sunbathe

Vitamin D is very important for the body. It promotes cognitive function and regulates mood. Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, so make sure to spend time in the morning sun for a few hours to complete vitamin D deficiency.

4] Take a Cold Bath

Bathing with absolutely cold water may not be soothing at times, but many studies have shown that it can activate frozen adipose tissue in the body, which in turn helps burn white fatty tissue. By taking cold shaver in the morning, you can burn body fat and increase your metabolism.

5] Have the Right Breakfast

For breakfast, eat a diet rich in protein and fiber such as eggs, fresh fruits, nuts and seeds. In addition, it is also recommended that you consume healthy carbohydrates, such as oats, multigrain bread, pestle, etc. Make breakfast heavy and have light meals throughout the day, as your body will continue to burn calories throughout the day.

6] Pack the right foods

When you are in the weight loss journey, eating outside will not be considered right, so prepare good and healthy food at home and include nutrients in them. Eat salads, nuts, seeds, fresh fruits etc. for snacking.

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