How J. K. Rowling become billion dollar author?

A single mother, who didn’t have the money to feed her child twice a day. How that single mother become a billion-dollar author. She overcame her situation.

And she becomes richer than the Queen of England the Elizabeth II.  It’s sound like a story but this the reality.
Because she is non-other than the author of your favourite childhood book Happy potter. She is JK Rowlings.

But you will get amazed that your this favourite book Harry Potter got rejected by 12 publishers in the beginning. The last, the 13th publisher also stated to her that,

These types of the book never sell in the market

said by Bloomsbury publisher

Then how after all these. Everybody’s favourite Harry Potter become the world’s most selling novel of all time. So let’s have a look.

Either way, among the people I know, I was the most failure person of my life

said by J. K. Rowling

this is once said by J K Rowlings.
But now, Harry Potter whole series translated over 50 languages, around 500 million copies sold all over the globe and more than $20 billion she got for the sponsorship and the movie-making.

Childhood and Growing up

She was born in Yate city of England. She was a crazy story writer from the initial days of her life. Her story had fantasy and a lot more supernatural happenings.

So, people didn’t understand them but she uses to tell every story to her sister.
The story of rejection started in her life when she was rejected by Oxford University in 1982.

The idea of Happy Potter

Once ,when she was on a train. She got the idea of a story. The story of a school where the teacher teaches wizardry.
Immediately, after that, she starts writing when she reached home. And this is how our favourite story of Harry Potter came into existence.

Tragedies begin

When the story started fascinating her within some months her mother died. Her mother was so closed to her. She was completely broken from inside but she never stopped writing.

He married a Portugal journalist Jorge Arantes when she was working as an English teacher in Portugal.
After a year they had a cute baby girl named Jessica. But within some years they get divorced and she returned to Scotland along with her baby girl.

She was broken and submerged in depression. She had no job and she had divorced her husband. So many times she had suicidal thoughts.

After some year se completed the 1st book of Harry potter series. But she faced soany rejection.

The success story begins

Then the chairman of a publication called Bloomsbury gave her 8 years old girl to read
the first page of Harry Potter.

She liked it so much that she forced her father to publish the book. This is how Harry Potter came into the market in 27th June 1997.
Within in a short span this book won so many hearts and won lot of awards.
Then one after the other every series was published.

And people loved it so much that a whole set of 8 movies get released on this book. Every book of this series broke new records. And become the world famous novel.


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