How Emirates make more than 2,00,000 In-Flight meals a day?

As the world’s largest catering facility, they run 24/7, cooking up every snack, dessert, and main dish eaten by the airline’s account to 55 million passengers a year. In 2018, Emirates passengers downed 70 million bread rolls over 1,30,000 pounds of strawberries, 400 pounds of salmon, and more than 3 million pounds of potatoes. So, how does the largest flying restaurant feed passengers abroad nearly 2,00,000 flights a year ? 

Plates, trolleys, trays are all in the ground floor of the facility to get it cleaned. Dishes are separated into categories and sent through industrial sized warewashing machines. Those trolleys that bring you drink, during your flights are also cleaned there. Then there’re loaded up onto the building’s mile and a half way long monorail to be taken upstaris. 

Firstly, in the cold kitchen, all of the sandwiches and appetizers are prepared and plated. Sandwiches are sliced and stacked and then feed through the flow wrapping machine to keep the bread fresh until it’s unwrapped aboard the plan. In the main kitchen four food regions like ASIAN, SUB- CONTINENT, EUROPEAN AND MIDDLE EASTERN are categorised. In Emirates 1000 chefs from around the world develop 1300 different menus a month. And with over 150 destinations in 85 different countries, well that’s a lot of region specific meals. Each plate has to taste and look exactly the same. They are cooled to the perfect food safe temperature. And the final kitchen is for dessert lovers. Cakes, pastries and cookies are all individually mixed, piped, dipped, and baked here. Finally, the assembly room.

This is where all of the pieces coverage over one tray takes place. It’s UV link used for passengers and it helps the passengers track the life of each dish. From the top floor the delightful receipes reaches the ground floor and then it given to specific trolleys and then shifted to big containers and the containers reaches the flight before 2 hours of boarding. 


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