The iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus are the latest flagship devices from Apple, set to be released in December 2022. Apple has once again implemented its tried and true formula of two cameras on the non-Pro models, and triple cameras with an extra LiDAR on the Pro models. This means that the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus will both have two cameras — a main wide-angle and an ultra-wide-angle.

The main wide-angle camera will be a 12MP shooter with an f/1.6 aperture and optical image stabilization. This will be the primary camera used for most shots, and it will be capable of capturing 4K video at up to 60fps. The ultra-wide-angle camera will be a 12MP shooter with an f/2.4 aperture and a 120-degree field of view. This camera will be great for capturing landscapes and group shots.

The iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max will both have three cameras, plus an extra LiDAR sensor. The main wide-angle camera will be the same as the one found on the non-Pro models, but the other two cameras will be upgraded. The ultra-wide-angle camera will be a 12MP shooter with an f/2.2 aperture and a 120-degree field of view. The telephoto camera will be a 64MP shooter with an f/2.0 aperture and optical image stabilization. This camera will be great for capturing detailed close-up shots.

The LiDAR sensor will be used for augmented reality applications and will help with improved autofocus and depth sensing. It will also be used for improved portrait shots with better bokeh and subject isolation.

So, to answer the question, the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus will both have two cameras — a main wide-angle and an ultra-wide-angle. The iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max will have three cameras, plus an extra LiDAR sensor. All of these cameras will be capable of capturing stunning photos and videos, and the LiDAR sensor will help with improved autofocus and depth sensing.

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