The Indian version of Kim Kardashian, Maanvi Sharma, is making waves in the fashion industry. With her beautiful curves and sultry looks, she has been dubbed India’s Kim Kardashian.

Maanvi Sharma is a model and influencer who has been in the fashion industry for several years. She has been featured in numerous magazines and campaigns and has become a household name in India.

When asked how it feels to be cited as India’s Kim Kardashian, Maanvi shares, “When I first started getting comments from people that I am India’s Kim Kardashian, I thought it was a joke. But then I realized that it was a huge compliment and I am really proud of it. It is an honor to be compared to someone as iconic as Kim Kardashian.”

Maanvi is known for her curves and her confidence. She has embraced her body and has been an advocate for body positivity. She is a strong believer in the power of self-love and encourages her followers to do the same.

Maanvi has also been vocal about the need for more diversity in the fashion industry. She believes that everyone should be represented and that everyone should be given the same opportunities.

Maanvi Sharma is an inspiration to many and is a great example of how hard work and dedication can lead to success. She is an example of how anyone can make their dreams come true and she is a great role model for young girls. She is an example of how you can be beautiful, confident, and successful all at the same time.

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