BTS, the world-renowned K-pop group, is known for its seven members, RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook. While RM is the leader of the group, J-Hope is the second leader.
J-Hope, born Jung Ho-seok, is the main dancer, lead rapper, and sub-vocalist of BTS. He is known for his energy and enthusiasm, and is often seen as the most cheerful member of the group. He is also known for his rapping skills, and is considered one of the best rappers in the K-pop industry.
J-Hope has been a part of BTS since its debut in 2013. Since then, he has become an integral part of the group, and has been praised for his leadership skills. He is often seen as the one who keeps the group together, and is always there to help and support his members.
Recently, J-Hope has been praised for his leadership skills when he guarded Jimin after he fainted during a performance. J-Hope was seen helping an exhausted RM, and even carried him off the stage. This act of kindness and care for his members has been widely praised by fans, and has further solidified J-Hope’s status as the second leader of BTS.
J-Hope is an integral part of BTS, and his leadership skills have been praised by fans. He is always there to help and support his members, and is often seen as the one who keeps the group together. He is the second leader of BTS, and his recent act of kindness and care for his members has further solidified his status as the second leader of the group.
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