Doraemon is a beloved character from the manga and anime series of the same name. He is a robotic cat from the 22nd century who travels back in time to help his human friend, Nobita, solve his problems. But did you know that Doraemon also has a crush?
Mii-chan is Doraemon’s very known girlfriend in the 21st/20th century. She is a beautiful girl with long brown hair and blue eyes. She is a kind and gentle person who is always willing to help out her friends.
Doraemon has a huge crush on Mii-chan and often daydreams about her. He imagines spending time with her, giving her gifts, and taking her on romantic dates. He even has a special song that he sings to her in his head.
Mii-chan is aware of Doraemon’s feelings for her, but she doesn’t return them. She is a good friend to him and is always there to lend a helping hand. She appreciates his friendship and the fact that he is always looking out for her.
Doraemon is often jealous of Nobita’s relationship with Shizuka, but he never lets it get in the way of their friendship. He knows that he can never have the same kind of relationship with Mii-chan, but he still cherishes her friendship and the time they spend together.
Although Doraemon’s crush on Mii-chan will never be reciprocated, it doesn’t stop him from dreaming. He often imagines what it would be like to give her something special and to see her smile. He knows that it would make him the happiest robot in the world.
Mii-chan is a special person in Doraemon’s life and he will always have a special place in his heart for her. He knows that she will never be his girlfriend, but he still cherishes their friendship and the time they spend together.
Doraemon may never get the chance to tell Mii-chan how he really feels, but he will always have a special place in his heart for her. He knows that she will always be there for him, no matter what.
So, who is Doraemon’s crush? Mii-chan is the special girl in his life and the one he will always have a special place in his heart for. She may never return his feelings, but he will always cherish their friendship and the time they spend together.