Who Eats the Most Sweets in India?
India is a country known for its vibrant culture and sweet tooth. From traditional Indian desserts like gulab jamun and kheer to western treats like cakes and cookies, sweets are a beloved part of the Indian diet. But who eats the most sweets in India?
According to a recent study, the highest intake of sugar was observed among older adults, aged 36-59 years, with an average of 20.5 grams per day. This was followed by the elderly (over 60 years) at 20.3 grams per day. Adolescents (19.9 grams per day) and younger adults (18-35 years) consumed almost the same amount of sugar, at 19.4 grams per day.
The study also found that the average sugar intake in India is higher than the recommended daily allowance of 10-12 teaspoons per day. This is concerning, as high sugar consumption can lead to a variety of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
In addition to the age groups mentioned above, the study found that the highest sugar intake was among those with higher incomes and education levels. This could be due to the fact that those with higher incomes and education levels have more access to sweets and other sugary treats.
The study also revealed that the highest sugar intake was in the southern states of India, with the highest being in Kerala, followed by Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. This could be due to the fact that these states have a large number of sweet shops and a wide variety of traditional sweets.
Overall, it is clear that sugar consumption in India is higher than the recommended daily allowance. This is concerning, as it can lead to a variety of health issues. It is important for people to be aware of the amount of sugar they are consuming and to make sure that they are not overindulging in sweets.