Apple has announced that the iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 12 mini, and iPhone 11 will be discontinued in India after the launch of the iPhone 14. The 2022 iPhone SE will remain Apple’s most affordable smartphone in the country.
The iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 12 mini, and iPhone 11 are no longer available for sale in India. This means that customers who are looking for a new iPhone will have to choose from the newer models. The iPhone 14 is expected to be released in the fall of 2022, and it is expected to be the most advanced iPhone yet.
The iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max were the latest flagship models from Apple. They featured the latest A14 Bionic processor, a Super Retina XDR display, and a triple-camera system. The iPhone 12 mini was a smaller version of the iPhone 12, and it featured a 5.4-inch display and the same A14 Bionic processor. The iPhone 11 was the predecessor to the iPhone 12, and it featured an A13 Bionic processor and a dual-camera system.
The 2022 iPhone SE will remain Apple’s most affordable smartphone in India. It is expected to feature the A14 Bionic processor, a 4.7-inch Retina HD display, and a single-camera system. It is expected to be released in the spring of 2022.
Apple’s decision to discontinue the iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 12 mini, and iPhone 11 in India after the launch of the iPhone 14 is a strategic move to focus on the newer models. This will allow Apple to focus its resources on the newer models and ensure that they are the best that they can be.
Overall, Apple has decided to discontinue the iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 12 mini, and iPhone 11 in India after the launch of the iPhone 14. The 2022 iPhone SE will remain Apple’s most affordable smartphone in the country. This move will allow Apple to focus its resources on the newer models and ensure that they are the best that they can be.