Bengaluru has been declared the most well-read city in India, according to a survey conducted by Nielsen BookScan India. The survey was conducted over a period of 12 months and looked at the reading habits of people in various cities across India.

The survey revealed that Bengaluru had the highest number of book readers in India, with an average of 11 books read per person. This was followed by Delhi and Mumbai, with an average of 8 books read per person. The survey also revealed that the average number of books read per person in the rest of India was 6.

The survey also looked at the type of books being read in the various cities. It found that fiction was the most popular genre, with an average of 6 books read per person. Non-fiction was the second most popular genre, with an average of 4 books read per person.

The survey also looked at the age group of the readers. It found that the majority of readers were between the ages of 25 and 44, with an average of 8 books read per person. The survey also revealed that the readership among the younger age group (below 25) was also high, with an average of 6 books read per person.

The survey also looked at the type of books being read. It found that fiction was the most popular genre, with an average of 6 books read per person. Non-fiction was the second most popular genre, with an average of 4 books read per person.

The survey also looked at the type of books being purchased. It found that e-books were the most popular, with an average of 4 books purchased per person. This was followed by hardcover books, with an average of 3 books purchased per person.

Overall, the survey revealed that Bengaluru was the most well-read city in India, with an average of 11 books read per person. This was followed by Delhi and Mumbai, with an average of 8 books read per person. The survey also revealed that the average number of books read per person in the rest of India was 6. It also found that fiction was the most popular genre, with an average of 6 books read per person. Non-fiction was the second most popular genre, with an average of 4 books read per person. The survey also revealed that e-books were the most popular type of books being purchased, with an average of 4 books purchased per person.

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