13 Things You Should Never Say To A Potterhead

Potterheads are a passionate bunch, and it’s easy to offend them if you’re not careful. To help you avoid any potential Potterhead rage, here are 13 things you should never say to a Potterhead.

1. “Harry Potter is for children.”

Harry Potter is beloved by people of all ages, and suggesting that it’s only for children is a surefire way to get a Potterhead’s back up.

2. “I think Twilight is better.”

This is a no-brainer. Never, ever, ever say this to a Potterhead.

3. “The movies are so much better than the books!”

The Harry Potter books are beloved by fans, and many believe that the movies don’t do them justice. Suggesting that the movies are better than the books is sure to get a Potterhead’s wand in a twist.

4. “I haven’t read any of the books.”

Potterheads take great pride in their knowledge of the books, and suggesting that you haven’t read them is a surefire way to get on their bad side.

5. “Why are you so obsessed with Harry Potter?”

Potterheads are passionate about the series, and asking them why they’re so obsessed is sure to be met with a stern look.

6. “The epilogue was unnecessary.”

The epilogue of the final book is a point of contention among Potterheads, and suggesting that it was unnecessary is sure to spark a heated debate.

7. “The books are too long.”

Potterheads are proud of the length of the books, and suggesting that they’re too long is sure to get a Potterhead’s wand in a twist.

8. “The movies are too long.”

The Harry Potter movies are beloved by fans, and suggesting that they’re too long is sure to get a Potterhead’s back up.

9. “I don’t like the way the movies changed the books.”

Many Potterheads take great pride in the accuracy of the movies, and suggesting that they changed the books too much is sure to get a Potterhead’s wand in a twist.

10. “The books are too complicated.”

The Harry Potter books are beloved by fans for their complexity, and suggesting that they’re too complicated is sure to get a Potterhead’s back up.

11. “The movies are too cheesy.”

The Harry Potter movies are beloved by fans for their lightheartedness, and suggesting that they’re too cheesy is sure to get a Potterhead’s wand in a twist.

12. “The books are too dark.”

The Harry Potter books are beloved by fans for their darkness, and suggesting that they’re too dark is sure to get a Potterhead’s back up.

13. “The movies are too light.”

The Harry Potter movies are beloved by fans for their lightheartedness, and suggesting that they’re too light is sure to get a Potterhead’s wand in a twist.

So, if you’re ever talking to a Potterhead, make sure to avoid these 13 things. Otherwise, you might find yourself in a world of trouble.