Voldemort, the villain of the Harry Potter series, is a complex character whose motivations are often misunderstood. He is driven by a variety of factors, including a desire for immortality, a need for superiority, a desire for racial cleansing, and a deep-seated self-hatred.

Voldemort’s obsession with immortality is evident from the very beginning of the series. He seeks out the Philosopher’s Stone in the first book, and later attempts to use the Horcruxes to achieve his goal. He is willing to do anything to achieve his goal, including killing innocent people and using dark magic.

Voldemort also desires superiority over others. He views himself as superior to Muggles and half-bloods, and he wants to be the most powerful wizard in the world. He is obsessed with the idea of being feared and respected, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve this goal.

Voldemort also has a desire for racial cleansing. He believes that pure-blood wizards are superior to all other races, and he wants to create a world where only pure-bloods exist. He is willing to kill anyone who does not fit his vision of the perfect wizarding world.

Finally, Voldemort has a deep-seated self-hatred. He was born a half-blood, and he views himself as inferior because of it. He is constantly trying to prove himself, and he is willing to do anything to prove that he is better than everyone else.

Voldemort’s motivations become clear in the sixth book of the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. In this book, we learn that Voldemort was born a half-blood, and that his mother was a witch and his father was a Muggle. This explains why he is so obsessed with immortality and racial cleansing, as he wants to prove himself to be better than his Muggle father.

Voldemort’s motivations are complex and often misunderstood. He is driven by a desire for immortality, a need for superiority, a desire for racial cleansing, and a deep-seated self-hatred. These motivations are explored in the sixth book of the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and become even more clear as the series progresses.