What is Vanish Mode?

Vanish mode is a new feature on Instagram that allows users to send each other disappearing messages, photos, videos, and other content in Instagram chats, also known as DMs. This feature was introduced in November 2020, and it is designed to give users more control over their conversations.

When vanish mode is turned on, any text or media shared in the chat will automatically disappear when someone leaves the chat or turns off the vanish mode. This ensures that the content shared in the chat is not stored or shared with anyone else.

Vanish mode also allows users to have more private conversations. For example, if you are talking to someone and you don’t want them to see the conversation later, you can turn on vanish mode and the conversation will be gone once you leave the chat.

In addition, vanish mode also allows users to send disappearing photos and videos. This means that you can send a photo or video that will automatically disappear after it has been viewed. This is a great way to share content without worrying about it being shared or stored.

Overall, vanish mode is a great new feature on Instagram that allows users to have more private conversations and share content without worrying about it being stored or shared. It is a great way to keep your conversations and content private.

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