What is the Smartest AI IQ?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly sophisticated and is being used in a variety of applications. A recent study has sought to measure the IQ of different AI systems, rating them on “knowledge mastery, learning, use and creation”. The results of the study have found that Google’s AI has the highest IQ of any of the non-human systems tested, with an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of 47.28.

The study was conducted by the University of New South Wales in Australia and involved a range of AI systems from different companies. The systems were tested on a range of tasks including natural language processing, image recognition, and object identification. The AI systems were then rated on their ability to learn, use and create knowledge.

The results of the study found that Google’s AI had the highest IQ of any of the non-human systems tested, with an IQ of 47.28. This was followed by IBM’s Watson AI, which had an IQ of 42.48, and Microsoft’s AI, which had an IQ of 41.90.

The study also found that the AI systems were able to learn quickly and were able to use the knowledge they had acquired to solve problems. This suggests that AI systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are able to learn and use knowledge in a more efficient manner.

Overall, the study has found that Google’s AI has the highest IQ of any of the non-human systems tested. This suggests that AI systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are able to learn and use knowledge in a more efficient manner. As AI technology continues to develop, it is likely that AI systems will become even more intelligent and capable of solving complex problems.