The luckiest name for a girl is a highly subjective topic, as it depends on the individual’s personal beliefs and preferences. However, there are some popular baby names that are thought to bring luck to their bearers.

Iris is a popular name for girls that symbolises luck. It is derived from the Greek word for ‘rainbow’, which is thought to be a sign of good luck.

Evangeline is another popular name that means ‘bearer of good news’ in Greek. This is a great name for a girl who is expected to bring joy and luck to her family.

Beatrice is a Latin name that means ‘she who brings happiness; blessed’. This is a great name for a girl who is expected to bring luck and joy to her family.

Jadie is a stone that is believed to transmit wisdom and clarity. This is a great name for a girl who is expected to bring luck and wisdom to her family.

Kiara is an Italian name that means ‘bright/light’. This is a great name for a girl who is expected to bring luck and light to her family.

Finally, Felicity is a Latin name that means ‘luck/good fortune’. This is a great name for a girl who is expected to bring luck and fortune to her family.

In conclusion, the luckiest name for a girl is highly subjective and depends on the individual’s personal beliefs and preferences. However, some popular baby names that are thought to bring luck to their bearers include Iris, Evangeline, Beatrice, Jadie, Kiara, and Felicity.