Flirting in Korea is a unique and often confusing experience for many people. Aegyo, which is a way of expressing something sweet rather than saying it casually, is a key part of Korean flirt culture. Facial expressions such as blushing when someone is embarrassed, voices when surprised, or squinting their eyes are also considered natural aegyo. These expressions are the most basic part of Korean flirt culture.

Korean men and women often use aegyo to show their interest in someone. They may use cute facial expressions or use their voice in a higher pitch to show their interest. This is often done in a playful manner and is meant to be taken as a joke. It is not uncommon for Korean men and women to use aegyo to flirt with each other.

Korean men and women also use physical contact as a way to flirt. This can include holding hands, touching each other’s arms, or even hugging. This is often done in a more subtle way than in other cultures. It is not considered inappropriate to touch someone’s arm or hand in a flirtatious manner.

Korean men and women also use words to flirt. They may use terms of endearment such as “oppa” or “unnie” to show their interest in someone. They may also use phrases such as “I miss you” or “I like you” to show their interest.

Flirting in Korea is a unique experience that is often misunderstood by people from other cultures. It is important to understand the nuances of Korean flirt culture in order to avoid any misunderstandings. Aegyo, physical contact, and words are all important parts of Korean flirt culture. By understanding these elements, people can better understand how to flirt in Korea.