On September 6th, 1997, the world watched in sadness as the funeral procession of Diana, Princess of Wales, made its way through the streets of London. At the head of the procession was the coffin of Diana, draped in the Royal Standard, a flag representing the Sovereign and the United Kingdom.

The Royal Standard is a flag that is flown on royal residences and royal vehicles, and is also used to drape the coffins of the British Monarch and other members of the Royal Family. It is a banner of the Royal Arms, which is a combination of the arms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. The flag is made up of a blue background with the Royal Arms in the center, surrounded by a golden border.

The same flag was used to drape the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II when she passed away in 2002. It was a fitting tribute to the two women, who had both served the country with distinction.

The Royal Standard is a symbol of unity and loyalty, and its use to drape the coffins of the Queen and Princess Diana was a fitting tribute to the two women who had both served the country with distinction. It was a reminder of the strong bond between the Queen and Diana, and of the love and respect that the British people had for them both.

The Royal Standard is a reminder of the shared history and heritage of the United Kingdom, and its use to drape the coffins of the Queen and Princess Diana was a fitting tribute to the two women who had both served the country with distinction. It was a reminder of the strong bond between the Queen and Diana, and of the love and respect that the British people had for them both.

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