Kareena Kapoor Khan is one of the most popular and iconic actresses in Bollywood. She recently released an audiobook, titled ‘Kareena Kapoor Khan on Being a Working Mom’, where she discussed her journey as a working mother. In the audiobook, she also revealed details about her diet during her pregnancy with her son, Taimur.
Kareena said that she was very conscious about her diet during her pregnancy. She followed a healthy and balanced diet, which included plenty of fruits and vegetables. She also ate a lot of proteins and grains, such as lentils, legumes, and whole grains. She also made sure to include a lot of healthy fats, such as olive oil, ghee, and nuts.
Kareena also revealed that she ate a lot of Indian food during her pregnancy. She said that she ate a lot of traditional Indian dishes, such as dal, rice, roti, and sabzi. She also ate a lot of home-cooked meals, which were cooked with minimal oil and spices.
Adding further details about what constituted her breakfast, Kareena says in the audiobook: “Breakfast was typically poha, upma or two idlis. It is the most basic Indian diet and I can’t live without it. I stopped all caffeine during Taimur’s time.”
Kareena also said that she ate a lot of healthy snacks throughout the day, such as fruits, nuts, and yogurt. She also made sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and other healthy fluids.
Overall, Kareena followed a healthy and balanced diet during her pregnancy, which included plenty of fruits and vegetables, proteins, grains, and healthy fats. She also ate a lot of traditional Indian dishes and home-cooked meals. She also made sure to stay hydrated and ate healthy snacks throughout the day.