Amber Heard, the Aquaman actress, welcomed her daughter Oonagh via surrogacy in April 2021. While the actress has kept the identity of the baby’s father private, speculations have been rife that the SpaceX founder Elon Musk is the biological father of the baby.
The rumours of Musk being the father of Heard’s baby started after the actress was spotted with the tech mogul at the Tesla launch event in July 2020. Later, the couple was seen together at a restaurant in Miami.
Besides that, it is also said that Amber Heard, Elon Musk, and Cara Delevingne were in a threesome. However, Musk straightforwardly rubbished those rumours. He took to Twitter to clarify that he was not involved in any kind of threesome.
While the rumours of Musk being the father of Heard’s baby are still doing the rounds, the actress has not yet confirmed or denied the reports. On the other hand, Musk has not spoken about the matter either.
In the past, Heard has been in relationships with Johnny Depp, Tasya van Ree, and Elon Musk. The actress has been quite vocal about her love for children and has even said that she wants to have a big family.
It remains to be seen if Musk is indeed the father of Heard’s baby or not. Till then, the speculations will continue to do the rounds.