If you are trying to figure out if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp or deleted their account, there are a few things you can look for.
First, if the person has deleted their account, you will no longer be able to see their profile picture. Additionally, when you send a message to the person, you will only see a single tick next to the message, indicating that the message has been sent but not delivered.
Second, if the person has blocked you, you will no longer be able to see their profile picture, and you will also not be able to see their status updates. Additionally, when you send a message to the person, you will only see a single tick next to the message, indicating that the message has been sent but not delivered.
Finally, if you try to call the person, you will not be able to connect. Additionally, if you try to add the person to a group, you will receive a notification that the person is not available.
In conclusion, if you are trying to figure out if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp or deleted their account, there are a few things you can look for. If the person has deleted their account, you will no longer be able to see their profile picture, and a single tick will appear next to the messages you send. If the person has blocked you, you will no longer be able to see their profile picture, status updates, or connect with them on a call. Additionally, if you try to add the person to a group, you will receive a notification that the person is not available.