Tesla batteries are the lifeblood of the company’s electric vehicles, and they come with a hefty price tag. The cost of a Tesla battery depends on the model of the car and whether the battery is brand-new or remanufactured.

At a Tesla service center, replacing a 75 kWh battery for a Model 3 costs around $16,550. This cost could vary depending on the model of the car and the condition of the battery. Remanufactured packs cost between $9,000-$10,000, while brand-new batteries might cost up to $22,500.

Tesla also offers a battery replacement program for some of its vehicles. This program offers a discounted battery replacement for a limited time. The cost of the replacement battery depends on the model of the car and the condition of the battery.

In addition to the cost of the battery, Tesla owners must also pay for installation and labor costs. Installation and labor costs vary depending on the model of the car and the condition of the battery.

Tesla also offers a battery warranty for its vehicles. The warranty covers the cost of a battery replacement if the battery fails within a certain period of time. The warranty period varies depending on the model of the car and the condition of the battery.

Overall, the cost of a Tesla battery can vary depending on the model of the car and the condition of the battery. Replacing a 75 kWh battery for a Model 3 costs around $16,550, while remanufactured packs cost between $9,000-$10,000 and brand-new batteries might cost up to $22,500. Installation and labor costs must also be taken into consideration when calculating the total cost of a Tesla battery.

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