Ariana Grande recently received a stunning engagement ring from her fiancé Dalton Gomez. The piece, a pear-shaped, three-carat diamond with the coveted VVS1 clarity, was set on a diamond platinum band and featured a tiny halo of diamonds. The ring is estimated to be worth around $200,000.

The three-carat diamond is a symbol of Ariana Grande’s love and commitment to her fiancé. The size of the diamond is a reflection of the strength of their relationship. The pear-shaped diamond is a timeless classic that has been popular for centuries and is a symbol of love and devotion.

The VVS1 clarity of the diamond is a testament to its quality. VVS1 is the highest grade of clarity for diamonds and is considered to be the best quality. This means that the diamond is nearly flawless and is of the highest quality.

The diamond is set on a diamond platinum band, which is a luxurious and elegant choice. Platinum is a rare and expensive metal that is often used for high-end jewelry. The band is also set with a tiny halo of diamonds, which adds to the beauty of the ring.

Ariana Grande’s engagement ring is a stunning piece of jewelry that is sure to be admired for years to come. The three-carat diamond is a symbol of her love and commitment to her fiancé, and the VVS1 clarity and diamond platinum band make it a truly luxurious piece. The ring is estimated to be worth around $200,000, making it a truly special and unique piece of jewelry.

By Influencer Magazine UK