Sophia the robot is a humanoid robot created by Hanson Robotics. It has been making headlines since its debut in 2016, and has become one of the most recognizable robots in the world. Sophia has been featured in a variety of media outlets, including The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. But how heavy is Sophia the robot?

Sophia is a relatively light robot, weighing in at just 45 lbs. It stands at a height of 167 cm (65.7 in) and is 41 cm (16 in) wide. Sophia is powered by a variety of sensors, including an Intel RealSense camera and 16 other sensors.

Despite its light weight, Sophia is capable of a variety of tasks. It can recognize faces, respond to questions, and even make jokes. It is also capable of displaying a range of facial expressions, making it appear more lifelike.

Sophia is a remarkable example of how far robotics technology has come. It is a testament to the progress that has been made in the field of robotics, and it is a reminder of the potential of this technology.

Despite its light weight, Sophia is a powerful and impressive robot. It is a remarkable example of the progress that has been made in the field of robotics, and it is a reminder of the potential of this technology.

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