On August 31, 1997, the world was rocked by the sudden and tragic death of Diana, Princess of Wales. In the wake of this tragedy, her two sons, Prince Harry and Prince William, were left to cope with the immense loss of their beloved mother.

In the years since Diana’s death, both Harry and William have spoken openly about how they reacted to the news. In an interview with the BBC in 2017, Harry revealed that he was the one out of the two brothers who was left to cope with the tragedy. He recalled trying to do his best to make sure that he and William were protected and looked after.

William, on the other hand, remembered feeling “completely numb,” “disorientated” and “dizzy” when he heard the news. He also spoke of the difficulty of having to process his grief while also trying to be a support system for his younger brother.

The brothers have also spoken of how they have worked to keep Diana’s memory alive. William has said that he still talks to his mother and thinks of her often, while Harry has said that he finds comfort in the fact that his mother’s legacy will live on through her sons’ work.

Diana’s death was a tragedy that left a deep and lasting impact on her two sons. Harry and William have both spoken of the difficulty of coping with the loss of their mother, but they have also spoken of the comfort they find in knowing that her memory will live on through their work. While the pain of Diana’s death will never truly go away, her sons’ words and actions serve as a reminder of the immense love and admiration they had for their mother.

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