Sexting is becoming increasingly common in India, with a recent survey revealing that over 62% of women have engaged in it.

The survey, conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, involved 23,093 respondents from across the country. Of these, 62.2% of women said they had engaged in sexting through messages and photos.

The survey also revealed that 13% of women admitted to using an app to learn about sex, while 28% had used an app to track their sexual activity.

The survey found that sexting is most common among young people, with the majority of respondents aged between 18 and 25. This suggests that sexting is becoming increasingly popular among the younger generation, who are more likely to be tech-savvy and have access to smartphones and the internet.

The survey also revealed that sexting is more common among women than men, with women being more likely to engage in it than men. This could be due to the fact that women are more likely to feel comfortable expressing their sexuality online, as well as the fact that women are more likely to use technology for communication.

Overall, the survey reveals that sexting is becoming increasingly common in India, particularly among young people. This could be due to the increasing availability of technology, as well as the fact that young people are more likely to be comfortable expressing their sexuality online. It is important to ensure that young people are aware of the potential risks associated with sexting, such as the risk of being exposed to cyberbullying or exploitation.

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