Kendall Jenner, the world-renowned supermodel, recently made her first trip to India to shoot for the 10th anniversary edition of Vogue India. She flew down to Jaipur to shoot for the magazine, and was accompanied by Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput.
The shoot was a huge success, with Jenner looking stunning in traditional Indian attire. However, the trip was not without controversy. Jenner received a lot of backlash for her visit, with many accusing her of cultural appropriation. Despite the criticism, Jenner was still able to enjoy her time in India, visiting some of the country’s most iconic sites.
In addition to the Vogue shoot, Jenner also had the opportunity to visit the Taj Mahal and the Golden Temple in Amritsar. She was also able to experience some of India’s culture, trying out some of the country’s delicious cuisine and even taking part in a traditional Indian dance.
Kendall Jenner’s trip to India was certainly a memorable one. She was able to experience the country’s rich culture and beauty, while also being able to take part in a successful Vogue shoot. Despite the criticism, Jenner’s trip was a success, and she certainly made an impression on the people of India.