CODA, the critically acclaimed film directed by Sian Heder, is a powerful story about a deaf teen who struggles to find her place in a hearing world. The film features a unique blend of spoken dialogue, sign language, and captions, making it accessible to both deaf and hearing audiences.
One of the most impressive aspects of CODA is the way it incorporates sign language into the narrative. Together with the actors, Heder and her team figured out what to sign, what to voice and what to caption. And during singular moments of CODA, the film lets sign speak for itself. These uncaptioned occasions, according to Heder, arose when spoken language just didn’t have a faithful equivalent.
This use of sign language has led to a common question among viewers: Does CODA have talking? The answer is yes, but it’s not the same as traditional dialogue. The spoken language in CODA is used sparingly, and only when necessary. It’s used to convey emotion and to provide context to the story, but the majority of the dialogue is conveyed through sign language.
The use of sign language in CODA is a testament to Heder’s commitment to creating an inclusive and accessible film. By allowing sign language to take center stage, Heder has created a powerful story that speaks to both deaf and hearing audiences. CODA is a groundbreaking film that celebrates the beauty of sign language and shows us the power of communication.