On May 25, 2022, Johnny Depp made headlines when he revealed that he had helped his ex-wife, Amber Heard, land the role of Mera in the 2018 film Aquaman. In an interview with GQ magazine, Depp said that he had been instrumental in helping Heard get the part, but that he had also warned Warner Bros. that things were “going to end up ugly” after their split.

Depp and Heard were married in 2015, but the relationship ended in 2017 after Heard accused Depp of domestic abuse. Since then, the two have been locked in a legal battle, with Depp filing a $50 million defamation lawsuit against Heard.

In the interview, Depp said that he had been “instrumental” in helping Heard get the role of Mera in Aquaman. He said that he had contacted director James Wan and producer Peter Safran and recommended Heard for the part. Depp said that he had been “instrumental” in helping Heard get the role, but that he had also warned Warner Bros. that things were “going to end up ugly” after their split.

Depp also said that he had done his best to make sure Heard was taken care of after their split. He said that he had tried to make sure that Heard was “not left out in the cold” and that he had done his best to ensure that she was given a fair shake.

Depp’s comments have sparked a debate over whether or not he should have helped Heard get the role of Mera in Aquaman. Some people argue that Depp was wrong to help Heard get the role, while others argue that it was the right thing to do.

No matter what people think, it is clear that Depp played a role in helping Heard get the role of Mera in Aquaman. Whether or not his warning to Warner Bros. was heeded is another matter entirely.

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