On December 15, 2022, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle made the announcement that they were leaving the Royal Family. In a candid interview, the couple revealed the moment they realized they needed to make the difficult decision to step away from their roles as senior members of the British monarchy.

The couple explained that it was Harry who made the ultimate decision to leave the Royal Family. He said, “It was my decision. She never asked to leave. I was the one that had to see it for myself.”

The couple explained that they had been struggling for some time with the pressures of their roles in the Royal Family. They said that the intense scrutiny of their lives and the lack of privacy had taken a toll on their mental health. They also expressed their concern about the lack of support they had received from the Royal Family.

Harry and Meghan said that they had been discussing the possibility of leaving the Royal Family for some time. However, it was not until Harry realized that he needed to make the decision for himself that the couple decided to take the plunge.

The couple said that they are now looking forward to a new chapter in their lives. They plan to focus on their charitable work and their roles as parents to their son, Archie. They also said that they hope to use their platform to continue to advocate for causes that are important to them.

Harry and Meghan’s decision to leave the Royal Family has been met with both support and criticism. However, the couple has made it clear that they are determined to create a life that is right for them and their family.

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