TikTok’s Big Drama: Intern Gets Fired for Messing with AI!

In the busy world of technology, things can get pretty intense. Just recently, a surprising event happened at ByteDance, the company that owns the popular video-sharing app, TikTok. They made a big decision to fire an intern who was accused of causing trouble with an important project involving artificial intelligence, or AI for short. Let’s dive into what happened, why it matters, and what it means for TikTok and ByteDance.

What Went Wrong?

So, here’s the scoop: ByteDance said they let go of this intern back in August because they believed this person “maliciously interfered” with the training of their AI models. What does that mean? Well, AI models are like smart robots that learn from data to help create cool things, like chatbots or even recommending videos for you to watch on TikTok. If someone messes with the training process, it can lead to problems.


This isn’t just any ordinary job at ByteDance. The company has become a major player in social media, thanks to TikTok and its Chinese version, Douyin. Because of these apps, ByteDance has grown to be one of the most influential tech companies in the world. They are always looking for new and exciting ways to use technology, especially AI.

The Rise of Generative AI

Generative AI is the kind of AI that can create new things, like images or even text. It’s like having a really smart friend who can help you with your homework, but instead, it helps you create stuff! ByteDance has been busy working on generative AI projects, including a chatbot called Doubao. Earlier this year, Doubao competed with another chatbot called Ernie, created by Baidu, to see which one could become the top AI chatbot in China. This competition is similar to a race, and ByteDance seems to be leading the way!

They’ve even introduced wireless earbuds that work with Doubao, letting users chat with the AI without needing their phones. Imagine talking to your earbuds like they are your best friend!

The Rumors Spread Like Wildfire

Now, when ByteDance fired the intern, it didn’t take long for rumors to start swirling around, especially on social media. Many people were talking about what happened, and soon enough, it felt like everyone had their own version of the story.

ByteDance decided to address these rumors because they were starting to sound pretty dramatic. They explained that the intern was part of the commercial technology team and was let go for serious reasons. In a statement they shared on Toutiao, their news aggregator service, the company made it clear that their official products and the large language models—the building blocks of generative AI—were not harmed by this incident.

How Bad Was the Damage?

Some rumors suggested that a massive number of graphical processing units, or GPUs (these are special chips used to train AI), were affected. People claimed that as many as 8,000 GPUs were damaged, leading to losses in the tens of millions of dollars! That’s a lot of money! But ByteDance quickly stepped in to say that these reports were exaggerated.

They assured everyone that while the intern’s actions were serious, the scale of the damage was not nearly as huge as some were suggesting. ByteDance also mentioned that they informed the intern’s university and industry associations about what happened. This shows that they take these matters seriously and want to make sure everyone understands the importance of responsible behavior in the tech world.

A Closer Look at TikTok and ByteDance

As ByteDance deals with this internal drama, it’s worth noting that they are also facing a lot of scrutiny from the government, especially in the United States. The U.S. government has raised concerns that TikTok could be a national security threat. They believe that because TikTok is owned by a Chinese company, there could be risks involved, like the potential misuse of user data. ByteDance strongly disagrees with this claim and is working hard to protect its reputation.

The U.S. has given ByteDance a deadline until January 19 to either sell its stake in TikTok to an approved buyer or shut it down completely. This situation is quite serious for the company, and they are navigating some tough waters as they try to keep their popular app running while addressing concerns from lawmakers.

Looking Ahead

As we watch this story unfold, it’s clear that the world of technology is not just about creating fun apps and cool gadgets. It’s also about making sure that everything runs smoothly and safely. The incident with the intern serves as a reminder that even in big companies like ByteDance, everyone has a role to play in protecting the integrity of their projects.


With AI becoming a big part of our lives, it’s important to understand how it works and the responsibilities that come with it. As users, we should be aware of the implications of technology and support companies that prioritize safety and ethical behavior.

Final Thoughts

In the end, the drama surrounding the fired intern might seem like a small incident, but it highlights important issues in the tech world. ByteDance continues to push forward with its innovative projects, but they also have to manage challenges like rumors, public perception, and government regulations.

As we enjoy the creativity and entertainment that TikTok brings, let’s remember that behind the scenes, there are many people working hard to keep things running smoothly. Whether it’s developing AI or making sure our data is safe, the tech world is always full of surprises and lessons to learn. So, what do you think? Should we be worried about the future of AI, or can we trust companies like ByteDance to get it right? The discussion is just beginning!


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