Cornwall’s Lithium Goldmine: UK’s Bright Future Powered by Local Rocks!

Cornwall is about to become a major player in the clean energy world with the opening of its first lithium plant. This is big news for the UK as it works toward using greener energy. Cornish Lithium, a company based in Cornwall, is getting ready to start producing lithium hydroxide at their new plant near St Austell. What makes this a big deal? Well, lithium is a key ingredient in the batteries that power electric vehicles (EVs) and other electronics. The plant is expected to be a game-changer for the country’s energy future.

A Step Toward Clean Power

The £15 million plant is being called a “milestone moment” because it will help the UK reduce its reliance on importing materials from other countries, like China. Right now, the UK depends heavily on imported lithium, and this plant could change that. By producing lithium locally, the country can move closer to its clean energy goals.


Cornish Lithium plans to extract lithium from granite found in an old China clay pit. This process will turn the granite into lithium hydroxide, which is then used to make batteries. These batteries are not only important for EVs but also for storing electricity on a large scale and powering other devices, like phones and laptops. So, this plant could impact a lot of different industries.

Why Cornwall?

It might come as a surprise, but Cornwall has one of the largest lithium resources in Europe. According to Jeremy Wrathall, the CEO of Cornish Lithium, there is enough lithium in the ground beneath Cornwall to meet more than half of the UK’s future electric vehicle needs. That’s a huge deal because the UK is expected to need around 110,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate each year by 2030, but right now, the country imports all of the lithium it uses.

“Cornwall has a proud mining history,” says Wrathall. “We’ve been mining for tin and copper for thousands of years. Now, we have the opportunity to mine for something new—something that can make a real difference to our economy and our environment.”

A Positive Impact for Cornwall

This new lithium plant is also expected to have a positive impact on Cornwall’s economy. Cornwall has a long history of mining, but the area has faced some challenges in recent years. Many people in the region are proud of their mining heritage, but the industry has struggled, leaving some parts of the region with social and economic difficulties.

By reviving mining in the area, Cornish Lithium is bringing new opportunities. The project has been welcomed by locals, who are excited to see this new industry develop. “We haven’t faced any real opposition to this project,” Wrathall said. “In fact, people here are proud of it and want to see it succeed.”

The project is being funded through a mix of investments, including support from the National Wealth Fund and the UK Government’s Automotive Transformation Fund. This support will help ensure that the project has a lasting impact, not just for Cornwall but for the whole country.

The Bigger Picture

The lithium produced in Cornwall could play a huge role in the UK’s future. As more and more electric cars hit the roads, the demand for lithium is only going to grow. By producing lithium locally, the UK can become less reliant on other countries and more self-sufficient in its energy needs.

Right now, most of the world’s lithium comes from countries like China, Australia, and South America. Shipping these materials across the globe has a large carbon footprint, so producing lithium in the UK will also help reduce the environmental impact of transporting these materials.

Not only will this plant help the UK produce more of its own lithium, but it will also support the country’s transition to cleaner energy. Electric vehicles are a key part of this shift, as they produce far less pollution than traditional gas-powered cars. But without enough batteries, the switch to EVs will be much harder. That’s why projects like this one in Cornwall are so important.

A Glimpse into the Future

Cornish Lithium’s project is still in the early stages, but the company has big plans. They aim to produce 10,000 tonnes of sustainable lithium each year by 2027. This would be a major boost for the UK’s battery production capabilities and could help the country meet its climate goals.


The plant’s opening will be celebrated with a plaque-unveiling ceremony at the Trelavour Hard Rock project. This marks the beginning of a new chapter for both Cornish Lithium and the region of Cornwall. As the company continues to grow, it will likely create more jobs and opportunities for people in the area.

In the long run, this project could help the UK become a leader in the global transition to cleaner energy. By tapping into Cornwall’s rich lithium resources, the country can reduce its dependence on imports and build a stronger, more sustainable energy system. It’s an exciting time for Cornwall, and for the whole of the UK, as the region digs into the future with lithium.


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