The Japanese manga series Doraemon, written and illustrated by Fujiko F. Fujio, is one of the most beloved manga series of all time. The series follows the adventures of a robotic cat from the future, Doraemon, and his human friend, Nobita. The series has been running since 1969 and has been adapted into numerous anime series, movies, and video games.
Despite its immense popularity, the series stopped publishing after Fujimoto’s death in 1996, without an ending. This has aroused numerous urban legends throughout the years, with fans speculating on how the series would have ended.
One of the most popular theories is that Doraemon would have returned to the future, as he had originally come from. This theory is based on the fact that Doraemon was sent to the past to help Nobita with his problems, and that he would eventually have to return to the future.
Another popular theory is that Doraemon would have died in the end. This theory is based on the fact that Doraemon is a robotic cat, and as such, he has a limited lifespan. Fans speculate that the series would have ended with Doraemon sacrificing himself to save Nobita and his friends.
Yet another popular theory is that Doraemon would have found a way to stay in the present. This theory is based on the fact that Doraemon is a robot, and as such, he could potentially find a way to stay in the present. Fans speculate that the series would have ended with Doraemon finding a way to stay in the present and continuing to help Nobita and his friends.
There are also numerous other theories about how the series would have ended, such as Doraemon being reunited with his family in the future, or Doraemon and Nobita living happily ever after. However, these theories are all just speculation, as the series ended without an ending.
Despite the lack of an ending, Doraemon remains one of the most beloved manga series of all time. The series has spawned numerous anime series, movies, and video games, and continues to be popular with fans around the world. While we may never know how the series would have ended, the legacy of Doraemon lives on.
Doraemon is a beloved manga series that has been entertaining fans for decades. The series ended without an ending, leaving fans to speculate on how the series would have ended. While we may never know how the series would have ended, the legacy of Doraemon lives on. The series has spawned numerous anime series, movies, and video games, and continues to be popular with fans around the world. Doraemon will continue to be a beloved manga series for years to come.
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