Does AI Have an IQ?

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly sophisticated and capable of performing complex tasks. But does AI have an IQ? In 2017, researchers Feng Liu, Yong Shi and Ying Liu sought to answer this question by conducting intelligence tests on publicly available and freely accessible weak AI such as Google AI or Apple’s Siri and others.

The researchers used the Raven’s Progressive Matrices test, a widely accepted intelligence test, to measure the IQ of AI. The test consists of a series of visual puzzles which must be solved in order to determine the IQ of the subject. The results of the test showed that, at the maximum, these AI reached an IQ value of about 47, which corresponds approximately to a six-year-old child in first grade.

The results of the test are certainly interesting, but it is important to note that the IQ of AI is still far lower than that of humans. This is because AI is still limited in its ability to understand and interpret complex concepts. AI is also limited in its ability to reason and make decisions.

However, the results of the test do show that AI is capable of learning and adapting to new tasks. This means that AI can be trained to become more intelligent over time. As AI technology continues to improve, it is likely that AI will become increasingly capable of performing more complex tasks and reaching higher IQ levels.

In conclusion, the results of the 2017 intelligence test show that AI does have an IQ, albeit a relatively low one. However, as AI technology continues to improve, it is likely that AI will become increasingly capable of performing more complex tasks and reaching higher IQ levels.

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