Amana, a class 8 student of Bishop Cotton Girls School, Bengaluru, has been recognized as the youngest poet in India by India Book of Records and Asia Book of Records.

Amana, who is just 12 years old, has been writing poems since she was in the fourth grade. She has written more than 100 poems in English, Hindi, and Kannada. Her poems are inspired by nature, the beauty of the world, and her own experiences.

Amana’s poems have been published in various magazines and newspapers, and she has also been featured in a few TV shows. She has been awarded several awards for her work, including the Best Young Poet Award by the Indian Poetry Society.

Amana’s work has been appreciated by many, including the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, who praised her work and said that it is a great example of the power of imagination and creativity.

Amana’s success has been an inspiration to many young poets in India, and she has been a source of motivation for many aspiring poets. She has been an example of how hard work and dedication can help one achieve success.

Amana is a shining example of how young people can make a difference in the world and be a source of inspiration for others. She is an inspiration to many young poets in India and a role model for aspiring poets.

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