The Harry Potter franchise is one of the most beloved and iconic series of all time. The two main characters in the series are the Boy Wizard himself, Harry Potter, and his arch-nemesis, Voldemort. While Voldemort is undoubtedly the most powerful and dangerous villain in the series, it is actually Harry who kills more people than anyone other than Voldemort.

The first death in the Harry Potter franchise came in the first movie, when Harry unintentionally killed Quirinus Quirrell. Quirrell was a professor at Hogwarts who had been possessed by Voldemort and was attempting to steal the Philosopher’s Stone. Harry used the power of love to defeat Quirrell, which ultimately resulted in his death.

In the second movie, Harry killed the basilisk, a giant snake that was terrorizing Hogwarts. This was done with the help of Fawkes, Dumbledore’s phoenix, who was able to use its tears to destroy the basilisk.

In the third movie, Harry killed the Dementors, which were soul-sucking creatures that were sent by Voldemort to terrorize Hogwarts. Harry used the Patronus charm to protect himself and his friends from the Dementors.

In the fourth movie, Harry killed a giant spider, Aragog, who was terrorizing the students of Hogwarts. Harry used a powerful spell to defeat Aragog.

In the fifth movie, Harry killed the giant serpent, Nagini, who was Voldemort’s pet and one of his Horcruxes. Harry used the Sword of Gryffindor to defeat Nagini.

In the sixth movie, Harry killed the giant dragon, which was guarding the entrance to the Horcrux cave. Harry used the power of the Elder Wand to defeat the dragon.

In the seventh movie, Harry killed Voldemort himself. This was done with the help of his friends, who were able to distract Voldemort long enough for Harry to use the power of love to defeat him.

So, while Voldemort is undoubtedly the most powerful and dangerous villain in the Harry Potter franchise, it is actually Harry who kills more people than anyone other than Voldemort.