Gavin & Stacey has been a favorite British sitcom since it first aired in 2007. The heartwarming humor, the lovable characters, and the iconic catchphrases of the show have captured the hearts of millions of viewers all over the world. However, behind the scenes of the show, there seems to be some tension between its creator, James Corden, and some of his co-stars.
While the audience is still looking forward to the last installment of the show, scheduled for Christmas Day, gossiping is done on James Corden’s behavior during shooting. A source close to the production has informed Mail Online that, “James is in charge. He and Ruth wrote the script and he has a personality that is somewhat dominating.”
James has been the master of the comeback and, in some ways, it’s empowered him against the BBC.” This reveals that due to his connection with this revived show, Corden possesses a large amount of control over it.
Despite his appearance of authority on set, Corden was reportedly not exactly friendly to some of his co-stars. Mail Online asserts that there is still simmering tension between Corden and Mathew Horne, who plays Gavin Shipman. The two men, once inseparable when their TV show Horne & Corden flopped.
The sources say that Corden and Horne did not interact with each other outside filming of the Gavin & Stacey Christmas Special even though both shared the same hotel while they were filming. Their bond seems to have really disintegrated over time.
While Corden may have been charming to the press and fans, his behavior on set has apparently not been ideal. Now that the final episode of Gavin & Stacey is near, how this behind-the-scenes drama will play out in its legacy is anyone’s guess.
Only time will tell if the magic of Gavin & Stacey can overshadow the tension between its creators and stars.