Skyscraper Shake-Up: Plymouth’s Marlborough House to Make Way for New Homes!

Plymouth’s towering Marlborough House is getting ready for a major change. The 14-story apartment building, a well-known feature of the city’s skyline, is set to be demolished. This decision is part of a big £30 million plan to update the area and bring new, eco-friendly homes for the community.

What’s Happening to Marlborough House?

Marlborough House has been a part of Plymouth for over 50 years. But now, it’s time for something new. Plymouth Community Homes (PCH), the organization in charge of the building, wants to replace it with modern, energy-efficient homes. The current building isn’t meeting the new standards for energy use and safety, so it’s getting knocked down to make way for something better.


The plan is to build new homes that are good for the environment. PCH is looking at different options for the site, and one possibility is putting up another tall building. However, this big project won’t start for a few years, so the people living there now will need to find new places to live during the transition.

What Does This Mean for Residents?

Right now, Marlborough House is home to many people, with 121 flats in total. Of these, 96 are one-bedroom apartments, and 25 are two-bedroom apartments. Most of these are rented out by PCH, but there are also a few owned privately by leaseholders.

If you live in Marlborough House, you’ll have to move out while the old building is being taken down. PCH is working hard to make this as smooth as possible. They have a team of up to 30 staff members who are meeting with residents every day to explain the plans and answer any questions. They want to make sure everyone feels informed and reassured during this process.

Why Knock Down Marlborough House?

You might wonder why such a big, old building is being taken down. PCH says it’s because Marlborough House can’t be updated to meet the new government rules for energy efficiency and safety. The building’s design and age make it too difficult and expensive to fix up properly.

The government has set new rules that say all buildings need to have a certain energy performance rating by 2030. Unfortunately, Marlborough House can’t reach these goals, even with major renovations. The cost and hassle of trying to meet these standards would be too high, so PCH decided that starting fresh with a new building would be a better option.

What Happens Next?

For the next few years, things will be busy around Marlborough House. Residents will need to find new places to live, and PCH will be working on plans for the new homes. The new buildings will be designed to be more energy-efficient and better for the environment. They will also meet all the latest safety standards.

PCH has promised that current tenants will have the chance to move back into new homes once they are built. So, if you’re living in Marlborough House now, you could return to a brand-new apartment in the same location in the future.

What Will the New Homes Be Like?

The new homes will be much more modern and eco-friendly. They will use less energy and be better for the environment, which is important for meeting future government standards. The new buildings will also offer a more comfortable and safe living space for the community.

PCH is working hard to make sure that the new homes will be a positive change for everyone. They want to create a better living environment and ensure that the redevelopment process goes as smoothly as possible for current residents.

How Will This Affect the Community?

While the demolition of Marlborough House will be a big change, it is also a chance for improvement. The new development will bring more modern homes to Plymouth and contribute to the city’s growth. It’s an exciting opportunity to update an old part of the city and provide better living conditions for many people.

PCH is committed to keeping the community informed and involved throughout the process. They want to make sure that everyone understands the plans and has a chance to ask questions and share their concerns.


Looking Forward

As the plans for Marlborough House move forward, the focus will be on making sure that the transition is as smooth as possible for everyone involved. The new development promises to bring positive changes to Plymouth, with updated homes that will be better for the environment and more comfortable for residents.

So, while saying goodbye to Marlborough House may be difficult for some, it’s all part of a bigger plan to create a better future for the community. The new buildings will offer modern, energy-efficient homes and will help Plymouth continue to grow and thrive.

In the end, this redevelopment is a chance to refresh and improve an important part of the city. And while there will be some challenges along the way, the result will be a new chapter for Plymouth with exciting possibilities for its residents.


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