Airport Drama: Cornish Folks Weigh in on Future of Newquay Airport

Cornwall’s Newquay Airport is buzzing with excitement as the local community gets a chance to shape its future! The Cornwall Council is holding special meetings for everyone to voice their opinions on what happens next at the airport. This is a big deal because how the airport is run could change quite a bit, and people want to make sure their voices are heard.


So, what’s the fuss about? In July, a letter from the chief executive of the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce, John Brown, raised some eyebrows. He was unhappy with how Cornwall Council was handling the airport’s future. According to John Brown, the council didn’t involve business leaders and the public enough in the discussions. He thought the decision-making process was secretive and unfair, which made him and others quite upset.

The airport is currently funded by taxpayers to the tune of £4.8 million each year. That’s a lot of money, and it’s clear why people want to be involved in how it’s managed. In August, the Cornwall Council announced that they have chosen a company called Adynaton Asset Management LLP as their preferred partner. If everything goes according to plan, this company could take over the management of Newquay Airport.

The deal is not set in stone yet. There are still talks and negotiations happening. This is where the public comes in. Cornwall Council wants to hear from everyone before making a final decision. That’s why they’re holding two public events on Saturday to gather opinions and suggestions. These events are taking place in Truro and Newquay.

If you’re in Truro or Newquay on Saturday, you can drop by and chat with the project team. The team will be at New County Hall in Truro from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. They’ll also be at Newquay Library from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. It’s a great chance for people to ask questions and give their thoughts on the proposed changes.

Councillor Louis Gardner, who handles the economy for Cornwall Council, has reassured everyone that there’s no final agreement yet. “We are still talking and gathering views,” he said. “The feedback we get will help us make the best decision for the airport’s future.” It’s important for the council to get as much input as possible to make sure that whatever decision they make is the right one for everyone involved.

Many people are excited about these meetings because they feel it’s their chance to make a difference. Whether you’re a frequent flyer, a local business owner, or just someone who cares about the community, this is your opportunity to have your say.

The discussions are not just about who runs the airport but also about how it affects the local economy. If a new company takes over, it could bring changes in how the airport operates, which might impact jobs, flights, and other services. The public’s feedback could influence these decisions and ensure that the new plans are in the best interest of everyone.

While some people are worried about the changes, others see it as a chance for improvement. New management might bring fresh ideas and better ways to use the airport, which could be exciting for the community. However, it’s crucial for the council to carefully consider all opinions before moving forward.

In addition to the public meetings, there are other ways to get involved. People can send their thoughts and concerns directly to the Cornwall Council via email or post. The council has promised to listen to all feedback and take it into account before making any final decisions.


As the autumn approaches, the council will be working hard to analyze all the feedback they receive. The final decision will be based on what the community wants and what is best for the future of Newquay Airport. It’s a big decision with many factors to consider, and the council wants to make sure they get it right.

In the meantime, if you’re interested in the future of Newquay Airport, keep an eye on local news and updates from Cornwall Council. They’ll be sharing more information about the ongoing discussions and any new developments.

So, whether you’re a frequent traveler or a local resident, make sure to take part in the consultation process. It’s a chance to have your voice heard and help shape the future of a key part of Cornwall’s community. After all, everyone has a stake in how the airport is managed and how it impacts the local area.

Remember, your opinion matters! Head to the public events, share your thoughts, and be a part of this important discussion about the future of Newquay Airport.


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