Tesla Meets Tactical: Kadyrov’s Cybertruck Gets a Machine Gun Upgrade!

Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechnya region leader of Russia, has published a video showcasing a Tesla Cybertruck fitted with a machine gun. Pleased by this, he extended an invitation to Elon Musk for visiting Chechnya and hinted that this modified Cybertruck would already get involved in the war zone of Ukraine.


Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechnya’s strongman, probably made the biggest splash yet when it comes to his over-the-top stunts: driving a Tesla Cybertruck with a machine gun on top. Yes, you heard that right—a machine gun mounted on a Tesla truck! Well, Kadyrov did not stop there; he went on to make far-reaching statements with regard to this new setup and finally extended a warm invitation to Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

The video very proud, Kadyrov realizes a modified Cybertruck and admiration both for the car and its maker. He published the video on the web-based messaging app Telegram and did not spare words in great support for Elon Musk. He called Elon Musk “the strongest genius of modern times” and said he is waiting with bated breath for new Tesla products to help in the fighting in Ukraine.

He seems to be genuinely interested in the Cybertruck. He called the truck a “beast” and mentioned that it would soon be sent to the conflict area to help out in the war zone. With its “excellent characteristics,” according to Kadyrov, it will perfectly fit the SWO’s harsh conditions. He is pretty sure that the truck is going to be very useful to the fighters there.

The video and Kadyrov’s statements have drawn considerable attention. Indeed, his decision to equip the Cybertruck with a machine gun stands out as abnormal and has created many conversations. It stands obviously for the tastes of Kadyrov, known for his love of dramatic and catchy steps. Here, the Chechen leader sets up the promotion of a powerful, high-tech, and modern car like the Cybertruck in such a function—underlining both its characteristics and his personal style.

Not stopping at simply praising the car, Kadyrov went to the extent of inviting Elon Musk to come around Chechnya. He was so admiring of the car that he admitted that he “literally fell in love” with the car. Kadyrov invited Musk warmly, telling him that he would be received as a “dearest guest” in Grozny, capital of Chechnya. Kadyrov went so far as to joke that he doesn’t think there will be any objections from the Russian Foreign Ministry in such a visit by Musk.


The invitation Kadyrov sent to Musk can be considered an expression of his admiration of Tesla’s tech and probably an appeal for future cooperation. He expressed his anticipation of new developments regarding Tesla, which could further support the SWO. That is an example of Kadyrov’s interest in using modern technology in the context of ongoing conflict, blending a modern, high-tech image with the realities of war.

A Cybertruck fitted with a machine gun in a war zone is quite something to see and even an idea. The Cybertruck is known for its futuristic design and advanced features, so pairing it with a machine gun would really add an unexpected twist. This move exemplifies how technology is being adopted in manifold ways, even in war zones.

The actions of Kadyrov are part of a broader pattern of high-profile stunts and statements for which he is known. The manner of his leadership often results in bold, attention-grabbing moves that bring eyes to the press and the public. This latest stunt with the Cybertruck is just another expression of his flair for the dramatic.

Kadyrov’s video and the mentioning of a Cybertruck, therefore, is not an act of peacocking in a modified vehicle; rather, it conveys a message. It speaks to his style and manner of leadership, one in which technology and modernity meet the very traditional aspects of conflict and politics. His invite to Elon Musk somehow adds a touch of diplomacy to the case, putting admiration for high tech together with the realpolitik.


Mixing technology, politics, and personal style, the situation captures an enormous amount of imagination. Whether the Cybertruck actually makes it to the conflict zone remains to be seen, but Kadyrov’s stunt has surely hit headlines and definitely stirred discussions all over the world.


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