Trump Slams Kamala Harris as ‘Pathetic’ Amid Biden Replacement Speculation

Trump and his allies have begun politically attacking Kamala Harris following the speculations among Democratic circles that she could be Biden’s successor in the 2024 election. There is a recent video in which Trump more or less speaks ill of Harris and at the same time expresses doubt over Biden’s approach to dealing with international foes, adding fresh new dynamics to what is now a seemingly unending political debate. 

Trump’s Criticism of Harris

Within the recently emerged video, Donald Trump in a golf cart with his son Barron and holding some money said that Joe Biden would drop out of the race because of how he fared in the most recent debate. This statement by Trump implied that Biden has stepped down, which would mean that Kamala Harris would be in the forefront. Harris is ‘so bad,’ and ‘pathetic; Trump said, visibly angered by the idea of her candidacy that sought to depict Biden, 81, as ‘an old, broken-down pile of crap. ’ 

Kamala Harris
Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Trump’s Doubts on Biden’s Competence

In addition to attacking Harris, Trump questioned Biden’s ability to have good relations with other international heads including Russia’s President Putin and China’s President Xi. Trump in this viral video asked Biden how he would manage these very sensitive diplomacy meetings and if he has the strength to do it. His comments of course reflect long-standing controversies that Trump and some of his associates had had with Biden’s foreign policy and personality. 

Response from the White House

The White House wasted no time to debunk Trump’s claims on Biden; in a statement, Karine Jean-Pierre, Biden’s spokesperson said it was unadulterated falsehood to claim Biden had stepped out of the presidential race. Joe Biden remains fully dedicated and committed to persistently leading the country is the message that Jean-Pierre was keen to focus on when listing the criticisms out to the opposition parties. These statements were meant to reassure Biden’s endurance and preparedness concerning the continuous political jostling and prognostications regarding the Democratic camp. 

Biden’s Response and Commitment 

Even Joe Biden spoke to his campaign employees and Democratic governors in a conference call, he insisted on his intention to continue the fight and stay in the presidential campaign till the end. The example of the Biden campaign can be considered pathognomic; the candidate assured the audience: “I am till the end of this race, and we shall triumph;” Biden’s commentary referred specifically to unity within the Democratic Party, and the need for everyone to be united and on the same page in this regard in relation to the elections. 

With the presidential election of 2024 drawing near, Trump more recently attacked Kamala Harris, at the same time expressing doubts about Biden’s competence, thus increasing pressure and uncertainty in the political process. The appearance of Trump’s words appears in the context of general and practical conjuncture taking place in the Democratic Party; the discussions about possible candidates for the presidency and the searching for winning strategies are turning more heated. The current ongoing story gives not only the sequence of political moves and countermeasures of different actors in the political process but also gives the picture of leadership, party consolidation, and the processes that would characterise the next phase of elections including international political dynamics and the domestic context in which the country finds itself. 

It would appear that Trump having taken the initiative to cover Harris and his dismissive analysing of Biden presidency lays down the strategies and the kind of language that will be employed as the sides prepare for the election feud. The effect of such dynamics will therefore be keenly observed to determine its effect on the voters as well as the outcome of the remaining electoral events and politics of America in the near future. 


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