Beware of Rogue Roof Cleaners Targeting Elderly Homeowners

A beautiful county like Cornwall, with so many homes, has over the years had its fair share of problems. Homeowners have been warned against rogue roof cleaners charging exorbitant prices for cleaning roofs and driveways. These traders target houses and knock on doors asking to clean their roofs and driveways at inflated prices.


Dozens of complaints about these rogue traders were received by Cornwall Council’s trading standards team. Normally, cleaning a roof or driveway would be about £500, but some traders quote as high as £2,000, which is four times the average price!

Councillor Martyn Alvey, Cornwall councillor responsible for public protection, expressed himself very concerned. He stated the traders targeted mainly the older residents. He warned everyone to be very careful and recommended using only trusted businesses. He spoke of “Trading Standards Buy with Confidence,” which includes reliable businesses.

Gary Webster, who leads Cornwall Council’s trading standards team, outlined some of the key rules. By law, he stated, traders must give written details of the work they intend to do and the terms of the contract. This must include a 14-day cooling-off period: homeowners have 14 days to change their minds about the service. Traders, says Webster, should not pressure anyone into starting work there and then.

If you, or anyone you know does, however, end up as a victim of these rogue traders, don’t hesitate to give them report. Citizens Advice encourages consumers to come forward so these unfair practices can be stopped.


Protecting Yourselves

The need to stay alert and informed is critical. Here are some tips that may be helpful:

1. Do Your Research: Check if the business has some sort of trusted scheme like “Trading Standards Buy with Confidence.”
2. More than One Quote: Don’t patronize a company based on their first quote. Multiple quotes could help you understand where the average price is.
3. Read Any Contract: Be sure to read the contract, more so, the cooling-off period written on it.
4. Take Your Time: Don’t let any person force you to rush into the signing of the contract.
5. Report Suspicious Activity: In case you do come across any suspicious trader, then do report it to the Citizens Advice or the local council’s trading standards team.

If you follow these steps, then most of those problems can be prevented, and you along with family members may stay safe from these rogue traders. Be safe, and always remain alert while dealing with door-to-door traders.



This is quite a serious issue: scam roof cleaners in Cornwall are charging elderly residents much more than they really should. Working to protect residents, Cornwall Council raises awareness about the issue by informing and appealing to everybody to use trusted businesses at all times. Remember the tips given and report suspicious activity to help put an end to unfair practices. Stay informed, stay cautious, and stay safe.

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