Nikki Haley Blasted for Writing ‘Finish Them’ on Israeli Shell After Rafah Massacre

Image: X

Former US presidential candidate Nikki Haley has come under intense criticism after being photographed writing “Finish Them” on an Israeli shell during a visit to sites near Israel’s northern border with Lebanon. The controversial photo was shared on X (formerly Twitter) by Danny Danon, a member of the Israeli parliament and former ambassador to the United Nations, who accompanied Haley on her visit.

In his post, Danon stated, “‘Finish Them’. This is what my friend the former ambassador Nikki Haley wrote,” showing Haley kneeling and writing on a shell with a purple marker pen. Haley, known for her hawkish stance as a UN envoy under Donald Trump, has a history of strong support for Israel.

The context of this incident is particularly sensitive given the ongoing conflict in Gaza, which was reignited by Hamas’s October 7 attack on southern Israel. This attack resulted in 1,189 deaths, mostly civilians, according to the latest Israeli official figures. Hamas militants also took 252 hostages, with 121 still in Gaza, including 37 the Israeli army reports as deceased. Israel’s retaliatory actions have led to the deaths of at least 36,096 people in Gaza, primarily civilians, according to Gaza’s health ministry.

Haley’s actions have been widely condemned as provocative and insensitive. Critics argue that her message exacerbates the suffering of civilians caught in the conflict. Social media erupted with backlash over the photograph, with users expressing outrage over her apparent endorsement of violence. One user wrote, “Shame on her existence she is evil!” Another commented, “These missiles will be ultimately used to kill innocent civilians and children. This is terrorism.”

Despite these protests, the White House has stated that President Joe Biden has no plans to alter his policy towards Israel. This stance remains unchanged even after a deadly strike on Rafah over the weekend, with the administration emphasizing that Biden is not ignoring the plight of Palestinian civilians.

Haley, 52, ended her White House bid in March after losing to Donald Trump in the Republican primary contests. Last week, she stated she would vote for Trump in the upcoming election, although Trump has ruled her out as a potential vice-presidential pick. Haley remains a potential presidential candidate for 2028.

Image: X

The photograph and its subsequent fallout have brought Haley back into the public eye, raising questions about the appropriateness of her actions and statements given the sensitive and volatile situation in the region. The incident highlights the deep divisions and intense emotions surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the international response to it.


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