What traditionally goes in a stocking?


Christmas is a time of joy and cheer, and one of the most beloved traditions is the stocking. It’s typically put up on Christmas Eve and filled with food, gifts and toys – by Santa, of course – but only for those who have been good. Stocking fillers usually consist of small affordable gifts and toys along with essentials such as socks or handkerchiefs.

The tradition of filling stockings with goodies on Christmas Eve is believed to have originated in the Netherlands. According to the legend, St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children, would fill the stockings of poor children with treats on his feast day, December 6th. This tradition eventually made its way to England and the United States, where it was adopted by families as a way to bring joy to their children on Christmas morning.

The traditional stocking is usually hung on the fireplace mantle or the bedpost, and is usually made of red or green felt or velvet. It is usually filled with small gifts, such as candy, nuts, fruit, small toys, and other trinkets. Some families also include an orange in the stocking, which is said to bring good luck.

Today, many families have adopted the tradition of filling stockings with gifts for each family member. It is a great way to show love and appreciation to each other, and it can also be a fun way to surprise each other with something special.

When it comes to stocking fillers, the possibilities are endless. Popular items include socks, hats, gloves, scarves, chocolates, small toys, books, and even small electronic gadgets. Some families also include items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other toiletries.

No matter what you choose to fill your stockings with, the important thing is to make sure that everyone in the family gets something special. This is a great way to show your love and appreciation for each other, and it can also be a fun way to surprise each other with something special.


Q: What is the origin of the stocking tradition?

A: The tradition of filling stockings with goodies on Christmas Eve is believed to have originated in the Netherlands. According to the legend, St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children, would fill the stockings of poor children with treats on his feast day, December 6th. This tradition eventually made its way to England and the United States, where it was adopted by families as a way to bring joy to their children on Christmas morning.

Q: What items are typically put in a stocking?

A: The traditional stocking is usually filled with small gifts, such as candy, nuts, fruit, small toys, and other trinkets. Some families also include an orange in the stocking, which is said to bring good luck. Today, many families have adopted the tradition of filling stockings with gifts for each family member. Popular items include socks, hats, gloves, scarves, chocolates, small toys, books, and even small electronic gadgets. Some families also include items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other toiletries.

Q: Where are stockings typically hung?

A: The traditional stocking is usually hung on the fireplace mantle or the bedpost.

Q: What color are stockings typically made of?

A: The traditional stocking is usually made of red or green felt or velvet.

Q: Is it important to make sure everyone in the family gets something special in their stocking?

A: Yes, it is important to make sure everyone in the family gets something special in their stocking. This is a great way to show your love and appreciation for each other, and it can also be a fun way to surprise each other with something special.

Q: What is the significance of an orange in a stocking?

A: An orange in a stocking is said to bring good luck.

Q: Is it necessary to buy expensive items for stockings?

A: No, it is not necessary to buy expensive items for stockings. Stocking fillers usually consist of small affordable gifts and toys along with essentials such as socks or handkerchiefs.

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