Is 7 a high body count for a woman?

Is 7 a High Body Count for a Woman?

The term “body count” has been used to refer to the number of people a person has had sex with. It is often used in a derogatory manner to refer to women, implying that a high number of sexual partners is a sign of promiscuity. But is 7 a high body count for a woman?

The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors, including the woman’s age, culture, and personal beliefs. Generally speaking, however, a 2017 survey of 2,180 people from the U.S. and Europe conducted by U.K. health service Superdrug Online Doctor found that women had a lifetime average of 7 sexual partners. This suggests that 7 is not necessarily a high body count for a woman.

That being said, it is important to note that the same survey found that the average number of sexual partners for men was higher than that of women, at 10.5. This suggests that the societal expectations and standards for men and women when it comes to sexual partners are different. For example, a man with 11 sexual partners may not be judged as harshly as a woman with the same number.

It is also important to note that the number of sexual partners a woman has had can vary significantly depending on her age. For example, a 2017 survey by The Independent found that women aged 18-24 had an average of 8.7 sexual partners, while women aged 25-34 had an average of 6.2 sexual partners. This suggests that the number of sexual partners a woman has had can vary depending on her age and stage of life.

Finally, it is important to note that the number of sexual partners a woman has had can also vary depending on her culture and personal beliefs. For example, some cultures may place a greater emphasis on sexual purity and chastity, while others may be more open and accepting of a woman’s sexual choices. Similarly, some women may choose to remain celibate for religious or personal reasons, while others may be more open to exploring their sexuality.


Q1. Is 7 a high body count for a woman?

A1. Generally speaking, 7 is not considered a high body count for a woman. However, the number of sexual partners a woman has had can vary significantly depending on her age, culture, and personal beliefs.

Q2. What is the average number of sexual partners for women?

A2. A 2017 survey of 2,180 people from the U.S. and Europe conducted by U.K. health service Superdrug Online Doctor found that women had a lifetime average of 7 sexual partners.

Q3. Is 11 a high body count for a woman?

A3. Generally speaking, 11 is considered a high body count for a woman. However, the number of sexual partners a woman has had can vary significantly depending on her age, culture, and personal beliefs.

Q4. Is 4 a low body count for a woman?

A4. Generally speaking, 4 is considered a low body count for a woman. However, the number of sexual partners a woman has had can vary significantly depending on her age, culture, and personal beliefs.

Q5. Does the number of sexual partners a woman has had vary depending on her age?

A5. Yes, the number of sexual partners a woman has had can vary significantly depending on her age. For example, a 2017 survey by The Independent found that women aged 18-24 had an average of 8.7 sexual partners, while women aged 25-34 had an average of 6.2 sexual partners.

In conclusion, the answer to the question “Is 7 a high body count for a woman?” depends on a variety of factors, including the woman’s age, culture, and personal beliefs. Generally speaking, however, 7 is not considered a high body count for a woman. That being said, it is important to note that the number of sexual partners a woman has had can vary significantly depending on her age, culture, and personal beliefs.

By Influencer Magazine


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