days name in hindi

Days Name in Hindi

India is a land of diversity, and this is reflected in its languages too. Hindi is one of the most widely spoken languages in India, and it is also the official language of the country. This means that many of the words used in everyday life are in Hindi. This includes the names of the days of the week.

The days of the week in Hindi are:

1. Somvar (सोमवार) – Monday
2. Mangalvar (मंगलवार) – Tuesday
3. Budhvar (बुधवार) – Wednesday
4. Guruvar (गुरुवार) – Thursday
5. Shukravar (शुक्रवार) – Friday
6. Shanivar (शनिवार) – Saturday
7. Ravivar (रविवार) – Sunday

The names of the days of the week in Hindi are derived from the names of the seven planets in the solar system. Monday is named after the moon (Som), Tuesday is named after Mars (Mangal), Wednesday is named after Mercury (Budh), Thursday is named after Jupiter (Guru), Friday is named after Venus (Shukra), Saturday is named after Saturn (Shani) and Sunday is named after the Sun (Ravi).

In India, the week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. The days of the week are often used to mark important events and festivals. For example, in Hinduism, Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva, Tuesday is dedicated to Lord Hanuman, Wednesday is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, Thursday is dedicated to Goddess Durga, Friday is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, Saturday is dedicated to Lord Shani and Sunday is dedicated to Lord Surya.

The days of the week in Hindi are also used to mark special occasions. For example, Tuesdays are considered to be auspicious for weddings and other important ceremonies. Wednesdays are considered to be auspicious for starting new ventures and projects. Thursdays are considered to be auspicious for religious ceremonies and prayers. Fridays are considered to be auspicious for shopping and other activities.

The days of the week in Hindi are also used to mark important festivals. For example, the festival of Holi is celebrated on the full moon day of the month of Phalguna, which is usually a Tuesday. The festival of Diwali is celebrated on the new moon day of the month of Kartika, which is usually a Wednesday. The festival of Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on the full moon day of the month of Shravana, which is usually a Thursday.


Q1. What are the days of the week in Hindi?

A1. The days of the week in Hindi are: Somvar (Monday), Mangalvar (Tuesday), Budhvar (Wednesday), Guruvar (Thursday), Shukravar (Friday), Shanivar (Saturday) and Ravivar (Sunday).

Q2. What are the names of the days of the week derived from?

A2. The names of the days of the week in Hindi are derived from the names of the seven planets in the solar system. Monday is named after the moon (Som), Tuesday is named after Mars (Mangal), Wednesday is named after Mercury (Budh), Thursday is named after Jupiter (Guru), Friday is named after Venus (Shukra), Saturday is named after Saturn (Shani) and Sunday is named after the Sun (Ravi).

Q3. What is the significance of the days of the week in Hindi?

A3. The days of the week in Hindi are often used to mark important events and festivals. In Hinduism, each day of the week is dedicated to a particular deity. The days of the week are also used to mark special occasions and important festivals.

Q4. When does the week begin in India?

A4. In India, the week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday.

Q5. What is the significance of Tuesdays in India?

A5. Tuesdays are considered to be auspicious for weddings and other important ceremonies in India.

Q6. What is the significance of Wednesdays in India?

A6. Wednesdays are considered to be auspicious for starting new ventures and projects in India.

Q7. What is the significance of Thursdays in India?

A7. Thursdays are considered to be auspicious for religious ceremonies and prayers in India.

Q8. What is the significance of Fridays in India?

A8. Fridays are considered to be auspicious for shopping and other activities in India.

Q9. When is the festival of Holi celebrated in India?

A9. The festival of Holi is celebrated on the full moon day of the month of Phalguna, which is usually a Tuesday.

Q10. When is the festival of Diwali celebrated in India?

A10. The festival of Diwali is celebrated on the new moon day of the month of Kartika, which is usually a Wednesday.

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