Three Burgeoning Influencer Niches

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Source: Pixabay

Being an influencer is not as easy as many people may think. In a saturated marketplace, the modern influencer needs to carve their niche, building a dedicated following. Numbers no longer matter, but the loyalty and engagement of followers is. So in the next few years, what will be the most lucrative niches? Below, we look at three you may wish to consider. 


While many people turn to Twitch and competitive eSports to build a gaming influencer niche, one industry has been forging an alternate path in the world of entertainment. iGaming encompasses a range of online casino and gambling titles, from slots to table games such as poker and even bingo. It is slowly opening up in more countries and jurisdictions around the globe, making it a forward-thinking industry where the right personality can prosper. 

The popularity of this sector is down to several reasons. First is the convenience these games offer, as they can be played from mobile devices at home or when travelling. This attracts both casual and dedicated types of players. A range of innovative titles and systems like the Megaways slot games, have become well-recognised brands. Many casinos also offer a range of bonuses to attract players, meaning plenty of new customers join the scene every day. 

Many of the existing influencers in this niche are celebrities, usually ones who have been seen in international poker tournaments. However, find a specific game within this sphere and it could be a great path to follow.  

Renewable Energy

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Source: Unsplash

While it may not seem the most glamorous of categories, energy is big business and one people want to know about. This has been fuelled by two main factors. The first is that energy prices are up across the globe. This is squeezing the cost of living, so any hacks and savings people can pick up on could quite easily go viral if they are good enough.
Another reason is that people are generally becoming more eco-friendly. Using less energy helps save the planet and as we head towards a crucial climate moment, even small tips can help. Renewable energy also has a lot of different subgenres, so you may be creating content on heat pumps one minute, and then giving tips for the home in the next. Of course, this suits someone that already has some knowledge or may work in the industry. 


Parenting can often be a lonely time. The focus goes on the child, which means the adult may start to lose connections and begin to feel isolated. Thus, it makes sense that parents turn to social media for help and advice on parenting, or even just to seek comfort about how hard the whole situation is. 

The caveat is that you do need to have children of your own. If you are expecting a first child, it is a great place to start as people can follow your journey and gain more investment. This also applies just as much to fathers as it does to mothers, or you may even decide to influence as a couple. 

The most important factor when picking a niche is that you settle on something you are knowledgeable about and enjoy. You will have to create a lot of content, so make sure it is worthwhile and you have a personal interest in it. 

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