Ghosts is a CBS sitcom that follows the lives of eight characters who died during different historical periods. These ghosts are stuck in the present day, living in a house and trying to figure out why they’re stuck in limbo. The show follows their adventures as they try to figure out their past lives and how to move on.
The main characters of Ghosts are the following:
1. Molly – Molly is a ghost from the 1920s who died in a car accident. She is the leader of the group and helps the other ghosts adjust to the present day.
2. Sam – Sam is a ghost from the 1940s who died in a plane crash. He is a bit of a loner and is always looking for ways to make money.
3. Annie – Annie is a ghost from the 1950s who died of a heart attack. She is a kind and caring ghost who loves to help others.
4. Jimmy – Jimmy is a ghost from the 1960s who died in a motorcycle accident. He is a bit of a rebel and loves to have fun.
5. Emma – Emma is a ghost from the 1970s who died of a drug overdose. She is a bit of a wild child and loves to party.
6. Bill – Bill is a ghost from the 1980s who died in a car accident. He is a bit of a know-it-all and loves to give advice.
7. Joe – Joe is a ghost from the 1990s who died of a stroke. He is a bit of a joker and loves to make people laugh.
8. Sarah – Sarah is a ghost from the 2000s who died of cancer. She is a bit of a romantic and loves to help people in need.
These eight ghosts are the main characters of Ghosts. Each one has their own unique backstory and death, and they all have different personalities and outlooks on life. The show follows their adventures as they try to figure out their past lives and how to move on.
The show has been praised for its unique take on the afterlife and its ability to make the audience laugh and cry. It also explores themes of friendship, family, and love in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.
Ghosts is a show that is sure to keep you entertained and make you think. With its unique characters and storylines, it is sure to be a hit with viewers of all ages. So, if you’re looking for a show that will make you laugh, cry, and think, Ghosts is the show for you.