What is Bangalore good for Apex?

Bangalore is one of the Legends in Apex Legends, a battle royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. She is a former soldier and is known for her ability to control combat situations. Bangalore is a powerful and versatile Legend who can turn the tide of battle in her favor.

Bangalore has a unique set of abilities that make her a formidable opponent in the Apex arena. Her passive ability, Double Time, allows her to sprint faster than other Legends when she is being shot at. Her tactical ability, Smoke Launcher, allows her to fire smoke canisters that create a thick smokescreen, obscuring her enemies’ vision and allowing her to reposition herself. Her ultimate ability, Rolling Thunder, calls in an artillery strike that covers a large area, damaging and disorienting enemies.

Bangalore is a great Legend for both offensive and defensive playstyles. Her Smoke Launcher can be used to create cover for her team, allowing them to move around the map undetected. Her Rolling Thunder ultimate can be used to clear out large groups of enemies or to break up an enemy team’s formation. Her Double Time passive also allows her to quickly reposition herself, allowing her to stay one step ahead of her opponents.

Bangalore is a great Legend for players who like to be in control of the battlefield. Her abilities allow her to manipulate the flow of battle, allowing her to turn the tide in her favor. She is also great for players who like to play aggressively, as her abilities allow her to quickly close the gap between her and her opponents.

Overall, Bangalore is a great Legend for Apex Legends players who want to be in control of the battlefield. Her unique set of abilities allows her to manipulate the flow of battle and turn the tide in her favor. Her Smoke Launcher and Rolling Thunder ultimate can be used to great effect, allowing her to create cover and disorient her enemies. Her Double Time passive also allows her to quickly reposition herself, allowing her to stay one step ahead of her opponents. Bangalore is a great Legend for players who want to be in control of the battlefield and turn the tide of battle in their favor.

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