Are small feet attractive on a woman?

Are Small Feet Attractive on a Woman?

It’s a question that has been asked for centuries, and now a new study suggests that the answer may be yes According to evolutionary psychologists Jeremy Atkinson and Michelle Rowe from the University at Albany in New York, presented with pictures of women’s faces, the majority of men subconsciously choose those who have small feet as being prettier

The study, which was conducted in 2010, used a sample of over 200 men from the United States and Canada Each participant was asked to look at a series of photographs of women’s faces and rate them on a scale of 1 to 10 The results showed that men consistently rated the women with smaller feet as being more attractive

The researchers believe that this preference for small feet is rooted in evolutionary biology They suggest that men are hardwired to find smaller feet attractive because it is a sign of youth and fertility This is supported by the fact that the preference for small feet was most pronounced in younger men

The study also found that men were more likely to find small feet attractive if they were in a relationship This suggests that men may be subconsciously looking for a partner who is more likely to bear children

Interestingly, the study also found that the preference for small feet was not limited to men Women also rated women with smaller feet as being more attractive This suggests that the preference for small feet is not just a male phenomenon, but something that is shared by both sexes

The study also found that the preference for small feet was not limited to the face Men were also more likely to find women with smaller feet attractive when they were presented with full body shots This suggests that the preference for small feet is not just a facial phenomenon, but something that is based on the entire body

Overall, the study suggests that small feet are indeed attractive on a woman This is likely due to the fact that small feet are seen as a sign of youth and fertility, which is something that is attractive to both men and women While the preference for small feet may be subconscious, it is something that is shared by both sexes and is not limited to the face

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